Photography should not only be technically correct but interesting enough to grab the viewer’s attention. An interesting story needs to be told, which also means emotions need to be shown on the picture. Here are some tips for storytelling in photography:

One of the most essential parts of storytelling is the process of planning. You should always plan to visualise the story. Part of the plan is to select the topic. Do some research on the subject matter and finally create a photoshoot plan. The photographer should always think about the message he wants to show with the picture.

One image is usually never enough. It shows only half the truth, because a story can’t be told in one single picture. Try to take a series of images. Understanding the message can be difficult when the photographer only shows snapshots of the bigger picture. This leaves part of the human’s brain to interpret the image on its own. The first and last images in a series are the most relevant. They open, as well as close the series. Generally, the goal is to grab the viewer’s attention.
Your photos should be meaningful. It could be everything from landscape to still life. The shots should evoke feelings in the viewer’s psyche.

These days, there is a huge number of images and the access to these images is easier than ever. It is not easy to create something unique. However, striving for originality is good to be practiced. Originality is what makes the photograph stand out from the crowd. When a photographer is inspired by an image, he should keep in mind to always change some ideas and make it his own.

The photographer should provide some kind of message or conclusion through the picture. This gives people something to learn from.

The first impression is extremely important. The human brain is programmed to make fast decisions after seeing a picture. In the end, the picture should stay in the viewers brain for all the best reasons.

Model: Ella G.